This month, as the cycle BOOM project moves towards completing data collection, Heather Jones (Research Associate, UWE) reflects on her research in the Bristol area and provides some snapshots of her participants. Since May 2014 I have been working with a diverse range of people age 50 and over in the Bristol area as part of our… [Read More]
cycle BOOM: moving to the next phase
Tim Jones provides an update on progress and looks ahead to the next phase of the cycle BOOM project. It’s been a busy summer for cycle BOOM. The researchers have been busy recruiting and conducting research with remaining participants at our four sites (Oxford, Bristol, Cardiff and Reading). Meanwhile, back at HQ, Nick Beale, our… [Read More]
“Best thing since they invented the jet engine!”
This quote came from one of our cycle BOOM participants after he had been riding the Raleigh ‘Motus’ e-bike for a couple of weeks, as part of his 8-week ‘wellbeing and cognition’ cycle trial. Read on to find our what others on our e-bike trial have been saying. First, a little background on the wellbeing trials;… [Read More]
School’s outside for summer
The cycle BOOM project is about how our environment and technologies work together to help or hinder peoples’ mobility. Tim Jones and I have been exploring these issues with Year 9 and 10 Design and Technology students from our neighbouring Cheney School. The first challenge for the students was to re-design the environment of east Oxford’s… [Read More]
Seminar Report | Design for Wellbeing: Innovative research methods for understanding older people’s everyday mobility | Oxford Brookes University | 21 April 2015
In April cycle BOOM hosted a British Society for Gerontology sponsored seminar Design for Wellbeing: Innovative research methods for understanding older people’s everyday mobility at Oxford Brookes which was attended by around 50 people. The seminar brought together the seven projects funded under the UK Research Councils’ Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (LLHW) ageing research programme. The… [Read More]
Wellbeing and Cognition Cycle Trials
The first wave of the cycle BOOM wellbeing trial has been very successful, with so far more than 20 participants completing the trial and 10 more to finish in the next month or so. Most of the participants that cycled for an 8-week period on a pedal bike or an electrically assisted (e-)bike indicated that… [Read More]