Back in early November 2014 I was given the opportunity to present a paper at the 10th Anniversary Cosmobilities Conference ‘Networked Urban Mobilities’. I took part in an interesting session ‘Imaginaries of Velomobility’ which included talks broadly oriented around exploring the ‘cultures of cycling’ in different social and geographical contexts and how these might evolve…. [Read More]
The Vision: Increasing the Visibility of Older Cycling
We’re afraid that we have run out of time to write a full blog for December, but they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. So instead we sign out of 2014 with a video and a selection of photos taken during our travels in recent years in the Netherlands (Houten and Groningen) and Sweden… [Read More]
In the mix to understand and represent older cycling
The cycle BOOM study is using a wide range of approaches and data to produce a rich and integrated understanding of older people’s cycling. Particular attention is being given to the physical, social and technological circumstances in which older cycling is situated and the significance of cycling for older people’s health and wellbeing. It is… [Read More]
cycle BOOM: Achievements over the first six months
As we approach the first six months of the cycle BOOM project I thought it would be useful to look back at the progress we have made so far. Firstly, I must say that as Principal Investigator on the project I feel very fortunate to be working alongside such a diverse, enthusiastic and multi-skilled team…. [Read More]